Sunday, 25 June 2017


Numeracy - Measurement 

How can you measure an orange? 

In your groups brainstorm different attributes of the orange that you could measure.

Today's Tasks
1. Select one of the attributes to measure.
2. How are you going to measure your selected attribute?
3. Write up a proposal for your investigation, including details on:
- Attribute being measured
- Equipment required
- Method (step by step)
- How you will present your results


26th June
Tomorrow is day 5
-20m poetic writing
-Maths task
-Ted Ed


Reminders: Year 9 Science Day


Year 9 goals / Aspirations

I will...


So that....

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

I Dream A World By Langston Hughes

I dream a world where man
No other man will scorn,
Where love will bless the earth
And peace its paths adorn
 I dream a world where all
Will know sweet freedom's way,
Where greed no longer saps the soul
Nor avarice blights our day.
A world I dream where black or white,
Whatever race you be,
Will share the bounties of the earth
And every man is free,
Where wretchedness will hang its head
And joy, like a pearl,
Attends the needs of all mankind-
Of such I dream, my world!
-WWAIPAT  - FINISH UP - Reflection

-I have a dream (Poem) Annotate

-Taryn's Group

Conflict Management

What Would You Do Clips (WWYD):
Ways to act:
1. Confront
2. Look the other way (Ignore)
3. Speak up for them
4. Get others to help

Do you have any other suggestions?

Through the lens of “Reflection’ state what you would do when faced with this type of conflict.

Your turn:
Write a reflection based on how you would act if faced with this conflict.

-Write a Conflict Scenario on a post it note and hand in to Mr Aspden
-As a class play Conflict Corners....

Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Problem Solving

IXL - Work for 15m on your number knowledge goal
-Rest of time on "Geometric measurement"


Look at the quote. Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? Cite specific evidence either way about why this is true or untrue in your world. Reflect then persuade your audience.


UOI4 - Sharing The Planet - Conceptual Breakdown

Conceptual Breakdown

Conflict and Peace

Respond , in the form of a QUICKWRITE to the words (Peace and conflict) and image.

What do you:
- see?
- hear?
- feel?
What do these words mean? How are they contrasting? Are they connected in any way?


Questions from Ted Ed Talk
1. Iambic pentameter is a natural rhythm because it resembles what?
2. Akala suggests that the language used, and the subjects spoken about, in both Shakespeare and hip-hop:
3. What was the purpose of "rapping" the Shakespearean sonnet? Why did Akala employ two styles of music to do this?
4. How has your opinion changed about hip hop?

Shakespeare / Hip Hop (Rap)

21st June
Tomorrow is day 2
Refer to Mondays

Hangi tickets
Dance Festival
Year 9 Leadership day this friday (Return slip_

Monday, 19 June 2017


(Remember to put phones in box and store in the cupboard)

Block 2 UOI
-Mr K to show off his dance moves (He used to dance for the Royal Ballet Dance Group)
-Mr K to take students out to finish off their welding projects.

Rest of Class to:

Listen to Mrs Frogley Read a sophisticated Picture book
-Students to unpack the meaning and make links to the new unit based around CONFLICT

-Students to add to their own conflict diary in their UOI Books.
(Mrs Frogley will model an "Internal Conflict" to help students generate ideas.

Block 3 MATHS

Taryn to put warm-up on the Board (It's the problems we didn't end up doing yesterday Taryn)

-20m IXL Complete in this order..
Find Geometric measurement under Year 8 (if too easy go on with...)
Find "Geometric measurement" under Year 9 and complete as much as you can..... If too easy go up to Year 10, 11, 12, 13 etc.
Find "

Students away yesterday need to finish the Maths Pre-test from yesterday

Block 4 Literacy

Quickwrite on one of your chosen "Internal Conflicts"

Use Requan's "Feelings" poem/ lyrics for inspiration for your own.

(You might like to have a go at some of yesterday's language features from the handout I gave you)

-If enough time, students may complete the Ted Ed for the week!

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Feelings ( Can be your conflicts)


Never thought feelings could break u down like that,
now when I see a girl hit my line
ima hold back,
just cause im black doesnt mean I rob stores,
sick and tired of people being racist and making dogs fight
so I tried to hold me back.
Cats have lives
dogs have feet
humans have food and africa has sand,
but we all the same,
tho we don’t show emotion
doesn’t mean we don’t have feelings.
Black people shooting
white people pashing
freaks playin games
and builders keep thinking,

that all shows emotion in ways u dont understand.

Maths - Measurement Pre test

Shakespeare / Hip Hop (Rap)

Conflict Diary

Ted Ed Term 2 week 8

Questions no one knows the answers to - Chris Anderson

In the first of a new TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers.

1. What’s Anderson puzzling over in the realm of religion?

2. Schools don’t devote a lot of time to questions that no one knows the answers to. Why? What effect(s) does this have, in your opinion?

3. When Anderson was younger, he assumed...

4. Of all the questions that Anderson throws out there, which one is most intriguing to you, and why?

5. How does Anderson feel about the idea that there are questions we can’t answer?


19th, June
Tomorrow is day 6
-Add to your conflict diary daily
-Bring a piece of fruit on Wednesday

Ted Ed
Creative writing (Poetry / Lyrics / Rap)

-Leadership day Notice - FRIDAY


Wednesday, 14 June 2017

15th, June Tomorrow is day 4
Homework: Find a song / Music video that addresses "Conflict"
Notices: Science Day Notice (letter) Year 9 leadership day - 23rd June Mufti day tomorrow Reminders:

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Conflict and it's management effects out lives What concepts prevail in this statement? Unpack CONFLICT through the Key Concepts lenses.. What forms of conflict are their? Mini Inquiry into a conflict

The Trick of standing Upright

Monday, 12 June 2017


13th June
Tomorrow is day 2
Quickwrite to one of these statements:
Conflict is always bad
Conflict helps you define your

Conflict is inevitable

Conflict is a part of everyday life; it's how you deal with it that makes the difference.



Conflict is always bad
Conflict helps you define your

Conflict is inevitable

Conflict is a part of everyday life; it's how you deal with it that makes the difference.


Copy and paste the Success Criteria into your google doc reflection for WWAIPAT

Create a care plan (settlement plan) for a migrant family that has just arrived in Hamilton.

Success Criteria:
1 - 3-5 information Areas  
2 - Short and sharp / Sentences that start with a verb economical language)  
3 - Images
4 - A slogan that sells Hamilton to your Migrant Family (The Actual slogan of Hamilton is 'The City of the Future"

Write a paragraph and sum up your success during this Summative Task


UOI4 - Sharing The Planet - Cover Page

Task: Create a title page with the following information.

Full Name

Room 8

Unit Title - Sharing The Planet

Central Idea -  Conflict and its management affects our lives.

Lines of Inquiry

1. Causes of conflict.
2. Effective conflict management and resolution.
3. Conflict influences the past, present and future.

Key Concepts - Causation, Perspective, Reflection


Unit Information

Mad Symmetry

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Agenda Book

12 June, 2017
Tomorrow is day 1
Finish Character
Summative task
Embed cover page and Reflection Document from Mrs Alloway.


Year 9 - Leadership

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Friday 9th

Summative Task Block 1
Refer to WWAIPAT on the blog for the Success Criteria and the brief
(If students finish, they can go on with Publishing their character portrait or finish the Ted Ed and Creative writing for the week)


Whole class IXL (ticking off goals from basic facts assessment, then finding ratio problems in IXL

Mini Lessons
Rates and ratios
-Orange book page 134
Groups 2 and 5

Taryns Group
-Maths booklet - Continue to add / subtract / multiply and divide fractions

Dividing Using proportional Adjustement
Green book page 56

Take mini groups, 1 at a time with GROUPS 1 and 3

BLOCK 3 - Summative Task

Block 4 - TECH ARTS

WWAIPAT - Perspective

UOI3 - Where We Are In Place and Time - Hidden Cameras Capture Horror

Questions to consider:
How do you think people would react if this was happening in New Zealand?
Why do you think charities have made videos like this one and 'If London was at war'?

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


7th June
Tomorrow is 4
Summative Task
Reminders: $2 for the Dance Performance

Monday, 5 June 2017

Ted Ed

TED-Ed - Term 2 Week 6

Questions no one knows the answers to - Chris Anderson

In the first of a new TED-Ed series designed to catalyze curiosity, TED Curator Chris Anderson shares his boyhood obsession with quirky questions that seem to have no answers.

1. What’s Anderson puzzling over in the realm of religion?

2. Schools don’t devote a lot of time to questions that no one knows the answers to. Why? What effect(s) does this have, in your opinion?

3. When Anderson was younger, he assumed...

4. Of all the questions that Anderson throws out there, which one is most intriguing to you, and why?

5. How does Anderson feel about the idea that there are questions we can’t answer?


6th June
Tomorrow is day 3
-Ted Ed
-Finish / Publish Creative Writing


$2 for Dance show on Friday


Thursday, 1 June 2017

2 June, 2017
Tuesday is day 2
Finish overdue work
Notices: Hip Hop Performance

Teach how to publish Summative task:

1. Share Character Essay
2. eportfolio up to date
3. Go on with Summative Task