31 July 2017
Tomorrow is day 1
Summative Task due Thursday:
-I dream poem
-Reflection (Conflict Diary)
-Persuasive essay
-Static Image
-eportfolio Entry
Info Evening
Sunday, 30 July 2017
Persuasive - Cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Should Be Stopped
I strongly believe plastic surgery used for cosmetic purposes should be stopped. Why is this you ask? Well, it wastes resources, time, and does not promote self-confidence. There are many different opinions on this topic, but hopefully mine will become yours. Perfect skin, curvy figure, moviestar hair. It all sounds perfect, doesn’t it? But in reality, is it really?
To begin with a perfect body does not come without a price. There is always some form of payment whether it is in money, resources, or even time. Getting plastic surgery to look prettier wastes all three of these. So why would you waste money, resources and time, just to look prettier? These are the three most wanted things in the world, and you are just wasting it on your appearance. Why not spend these three things on more relevant things, instead of just thinking about yourself?
In addition to the above, another reason cosmetic plastic surgery should be banned, is because it does not promote self-confidence. It is showing that if you do not like anything about your appearance, then change it. In our time, cosmetic plastic surgery is very popular, and it is hard to come across a celebrity who has not had plastic surgery. It is not a very good example to youth, especially teenage girls who are still unsure about their body image , and what it should look like in our modern societies eyes. Seeing everyone around you getting plastic surgery pressurises you, and makes you think if you get that too, you’ll finally be ‘cool’ or you will ‘fit in’. But in my opinion, plastic surgery doesn’t make you look more perfect, mentally. It just covers up, what you don’t want to be seen.
On the other hand, plastic surgery can be good. It can make you feel more confident in yourself, and more like your dream person. With plastic surgery, you can look however you want to look. But to be fair, why would you want to cover up yourself? Why would you want to cover up your ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’? Are those ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’ not what makes you, you? Every single freckle, scar, birthmark, has it’s own history behind it, and is perfect in every single way. If you don’t like something with your appearance, don’t change it. Learn to love it, learn to love your appearance that is entirely your own.
In conclusion, I really believe that cosmetic plastic surgery should be stopped. The number of negatives outweigh the positives, so why argue against it ? Hopefully I have changed your opinion, and if you’re ever not sure about your appearance, think of this article. Because remember you are perfect in every way - so why would you want to change you?
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Should Be Stopped
I strongly believe plastic surgery used for cosmetic purposes should be stopped. Why is this you ask? Well, it wastes resources, time, and does not promote self-confidence. There are many different opinions on this topic, but hopefully mine will become yours. Perfect skin, curvy figure, moviestar hair. It all sounds perfect, doesn’t it? But in reality, is it really?
To begin with a perfect body does not come without a price. There is always some form of payment whether it is in money, resources, or even time. Getting plastic surgery to look prettier wastes all three of these. So why would you waste money, resources and time, just to look prettier? These are the three most wanted things in the world, and you are just wasting it on your appearance. Why not spend these three things on more relevant things, instead of just thinking about yourself?
In addition to the above, another reason cosmetic plastic surgery should be banned, is because it does not promote self-confidence. It is showing that if you do not like anything about your appearance, then change it. In our time, cosmetic plastic surgery is very popular, and it is hard to come across a celebrity who has not had plastic surgery. It is not a very good example to youth, especially teenage girls who are still unsure about their body image , and what it should look like in our modern societies eyes. Seeing everyone around you getting plastic surgery pressurises you, and makes you think if you get that too, you’ll finally be ‘cool’ or you will ‘fit in’. But in my opinion, plastic surgery doesn’t make you look more perfect, mentally. It just covers up, what you don’t want to be seen.
On the other hand, plastic surgery can be good. It can make you feel more confident in yourself, and more like your dream person. With plastic surgery, you can look however you want to look. But to be fair, why would you want to cover up yourself? Why would you want to cover up your ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’? Are those ‘flaws’ and ‘imperfections’ not what makes you, you? Every single freckle, scar, birthmark, has it’s own history behind it, and is perfect in every single way. If you don’t like something with your appearance, don’t change it. Learn to love it, learn to love your appearance that is entirely your own.
In conclusion, I really believe that cosmetic plastic surgery should be stopped. The number of negatives outweigh the positives, so why argue against it ? Hopefully I have changed your opinion, and if you’re ever not sure about your appearance, think of this article. Because remember you are perfect in every way - so why would you want to change you?
By Jasmine 2016
Tuesday, 25 July 2017
You might be thinking to yourself: “What’s the big deal... I can afford to wear mufti, and it also means I don’t have to keep washing my uniform over and over again”. Stop! And get over yourself people. It’s not all about you. Is it all worth it? Just for you to look cool around your friends and fit in? Think about the reasons uniforms came about in the first place: sense of group identity, belonging to something larger than yourself and placing all students on a level playing field from the outset. After all, students don’t get to choose their parents do they? Although our self-interests can blur our thinking capacity from time to time, you must vote to keep uniforms. The benefits far out weigh the drawbacks.
Monday, 24 July 2017
25th July, 2017
Tomorrow is day 4
Summative Task continued
Extra: Ted Ed
Sexuality Road Notice
Information Evening
Reminders: Take home metal creations by Friday.
Tomorrow is day 4
Summative Task continued
Extra: Ted Ed
Sexuality Road Notice
Information Evening
Reminders: Take home metal creations by Friday.
Ted Ed
TED-Ed - Week 1 Term 3
The walk from "no" to "yes" - William Ury
William Ury, author of "Getting to Yes," offers an elegant, simple (but not easy) way to create agreement in even the most difficult situations -- from family conflict to, perhaps, the Middle East. (Filmed at TEDxMidWest.)
1. How do the San Bushmen people handle conflicts within their community?
2. How many sides does William Ury say are a part of any conflict?
3. What is the role of the third side of a conflict?
4. Who does William Ury say is the primary unifying figure and story of the Middle East?
5. William Ury talks about the importance of story-telling as a way to find the third side of a conflict. Have you ever had to stop and consider the story, the third side of a conflict? Did it help resolve the situation?
6. What do you think are the biggest potential challenges to always "go to the balcony" when facing a conflict? Do you think this it the best approach?
7. Do you face any conflicts in your community? Do you think an Abraham Path could help encourage people to see the third side of the conflict?
8. In addition to helping people see the third side in the Middle East, what else does the Abraham Path help to support?
Sunday, 23 July 2017
STP - Static Image example
Today you are going to have some time to begin creating your static image.
Remember to refer to your rubric and think about the different techniques used in static images.
Here is an example that is very simple but effective.
What techniques have been used here?
24th July, 2017
Tomorrow is day 3
Summative Task continued
Sexuality Road
Reminders: Take home metal creations by Friday.
Tomorrow is day 3
Summative Task continued
Sexuality Road
Reminders: Take home metal creations by Friday.
Sharing the Planet - Conflict
Literacy - Writing - Quick Write & Idiomatic Expressions
My Shoes
What do you think the film will be about?
Take a look at the picture below. It is taken from the middle of the film.
You have 10 minutes to write a short story about this picture, remember to explain what happens before and after.
The Film:
Compare your own story to the one portrayed in this short film.
Your Task:
In small groups discuss the following questions:
What is the message of the film?
How does the film make you feel?
What type of conflict are these characters facing?
This short film has been watched nearly 2 million times on YouTube. What’s the appeal of this kind of short film?
Idiomatic Expressions:
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.
Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Count your blessings.
What are the meanings of these expressions?
Can you write your own expression that links to the film or to your own short story?
Saturday, 22 July 2017
Tuesday, 4 July 2017
SLC - 2017
Student Led Conference Preparation - Wednesday 5th July 2017
During my SLC I should cover all subjects in PURPLE
I can use the ideas in BLACK to help me think about what I am going to present
I should present my thoughts using EVIDENCE from my work
I can choose how to present my EVIDENCE using my strength (Google Slides, Prezi etc.). This will then be embedded onto my e-portfolio.
My task today is to explore how I am going to present my EVIDENCE
Achievements / Take Up The Challenge
Challenges I have taken up this year are…
Things I would like to try in the future are….
PYP (Learner Profile, Attitudes, Key Concepts or TD Skills)
My strengths are...
Things I find challenging are…
In the classroom I have shown….
My favourite summative assessment shows….
What I have found most challenging is…
This UOI showed me…
My favourite task was… (Why?)
You can see the Inquiry Cycle….
My greatest strength is…
My greatest success was…
Something that I have done that I enjoyed was…
Something that I was challenged by…
A great way for me to practice my maths skills at home is by…
A piece of writing I am proud of is….
I learnt to…
Something I would like to work on in language is…
The most interesting reading task was….
When reading I would like to work on…
Tech / Arts
Something I have gained…
My biggest achievement has been…
My current Tech/Art is….. We are working on….
Something I look forward to…
My favourite thing about Tech/Arts is…
Teaming (PE, French, E-Learning)
The benefits of teaming is…
The skills I have improved on in PE are…
I have accomplished….
E-Learning has helped me to…
My strongest TD Skill is…
In French I now know…
Learning a 2nd language helps me to…
Monday, 3 July 2017
Sunday, 2 July 2017
Ted Ed - This is Sparta
TED-Ed - Week 9 Term 2
This is Sparta: Fierce warriors of the ancient world - Craig Zimmer
In ancient Greece, violent internal conflict between border neighbours and war with foreign invaders was a way of life, and Greeks were considered premier warriors. Sparta, specifically, had an army of the most feared warriors in the ancient world. What were they doing to produce such fierce soldiers? Craig Zimmer shares some of the lessons that might have been taught at Spartan school.
1. Which Greek historian did not write about ancient Sparta?
2. At what age did young Spartan boys get sent to the Agoge?
3. The Spartans prized physical perfection above all else. What did teachers at the Agoge not encourage?
4. The Agoge also focused on other areas of study to help make their boys into better warriors. What subject was not part of the curriculum at the school?
5. Girls also received an education. What was the reasoning behind this?
6. In 1859, scientist Charles Darwin presented the idea that nature had a natural selection to keep the better adapted organisms thriving and get rid of poorer adapted ones. Soon after reading Darwin’s work, Herbert Spencer, an English Philosopher, coined a phrase “survival of the fittest” meaning only the strong survive. Do you think Sparta proves this theory to be true? How or how not?
7. Spartan boys were built to become the perfect warriors. What methods were used at “Spartan School” to build them up both body and mind? Why is this mix important in building better warriors?
8. Why were women so important to Sparta’s success?
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